The European Union to comprise Palestine, a terrorist state, Syria, Libya,,, What are they thinking, a sinister Nazi or Marxist nightmare of a Social Engineering experiment, what will the consequences be when the 27 EU member are relieved from foreign politics and are going to be represented by an EU foreign minister, when the EU member states are going to surrender their military, laws and justice, foreign policy etc and even surrendering Democracy to a Supranational totalitarian state similar to the USSR and Nazi Germany's Neuropa vision.
Erik Goethe is a lawyer who prepared the defence of book-publisher Kalle Haegglund of Stockholm who recently tried to publish Mein Kampf - The EU has got their own Political reasons to ban the historical study of certain aspects of Nazi history:
Why do they do this? Why do they take action against the publishing of Mein Kampf for a perfectly above-board study of history? (By critics of Nazi Germany - Ed)
Through this case I have come to the conclusion that they do it because there is too much in Mein Kampf that is much too revealing for the current European project. One must not forget that the plans of the Third Reich for the New Europe - Neuropa - were well under way, and were in fact postponed by Hitler for the regrettable reason that he had still not won the war.
Obviously, Mein Kampf and Hitler's Second Book which was never published in his life-time, and a lot of other writings by other Nazi leaders, are of great interest for judging the background of today's European politics. Several of these writings and European plans clearly foreshadow the European Union of today and tomorrow.
The claims by the EU institutions that they allegedly are fighting against racism and for human rights deserve attention, but little credit. Defence of national political independence, the development of a national consciousness and culture that includes all immigrants, the defence of freedom of speech and of the press, including all kinds of political views, and a free and open debate. These are important tasks - particularly important for two political forces, considering the composition of their electorate:
Conservatism and the Labour movement. If these forces do not take these matters seriously, the quasi-fascist political forces will take over for their own purposes, as they are now doing in other countries.
It is happening, the EU has effectively removed the Electorate from decision makings, the 'Coup' by the Eurocrats with the Lisbon treaty which is by 94% identical to the nixed constitution which in effect means the beginning of the totalitarian state reducing EU citizens to 'objects' under their quasi Fascist social engineering projects of multiculturalism and the poisoning dogma of political correctness against freedom of thought and speech creating the narrow frame of collectivist mind necessary to carry out a NeoFascist ideology and totalitarianism.
Following from: Euromed
Der Spiegel Online has it on March 4, 2008:
Sarkozy´s limited Mediterranean Union is to comprise all 27 EU Countries as well as the countries of the Western Balkans and the Euromediterranean Empire-partners: Mauritania, Morocco Algeria, Tunisia, (Libya underway), Egypt, the Palestinian Autonomy, Israel, Jordan,Lebanon, Syria, Turkey.
The Euromediterranean Common Market was already planned to begin in 2010 according to the Euromediterranean Declaration of Barcelona - but Merkel and Sarkozy have come to terms at the opening of the Cebit-exhibition i Hannover that the details of of a Euromediterranean lift are to be discussed at the March-summit of the EU.
And then at the EU-Summit in Paris on July 13-14, 2008, the Mediterranean Union will be founded.
So far, Merkel was opposed to Sarkozy´s plans. But now the Spiegel Online reports, that Merkel has enforced her will!!! This means: All EU countries are allowed to participate in this One-World project.
This High Treason does not come as a surprise
On Oct. 22.2007 Nicolas Sarkozy paid a visit to Morocco. King Mohammad VI asked him for closer ties to Europe - beyond Morocco´s association-agreement. And Sarkozy promised to work for this during ´the EU-Presidency of France during the 2. half of 2008.
By shaking hands with king Mohammad VI of Morocco President Sarkozy has sold European identity, culture and Christianity to Islam and the Sharia through the coming Union of the Mediterranean with all 27 EU states involved. What this Union agrees upon will have to be paid by all of us- and EU´s 4 freedoms as promised by the EU to the Euromediterranean partner countries on Dec. 2-3, 2003 in Naples, will be co-administered at the cost and suffering of all EU States by Arabs with equal - or superior - rights to the EU-dhimmis.
In his speech to the Moroccan king, Mr. Sarkozy said:
“I want to say that the time has come to put all their energies and their whole hearts into building the Mediterranean Union, since this region is absolutely crucial for world balance…
Another king from the Mediterranean Union: King Abdullah of Jordan
Since Europe’s future – I have no hesitation in saying – is in the South. By turning its back on the Mediterranean, Europe would cut itself off not only from its intellectual, moral and spiritual sources, but also from its future, since it’s in the Mediterranean that Europe will secure its prosperity, ensure its security, that it will regain the momentum given it by its founding fathers.
While Europe’s future is in the South, Africa’s is in the North.. call on all those who can do so to join the Mediterranean Union because it will be the linchpin of Eurafrica, the great dream capable of enthusing the world. "…let’s together build a common future.
We will build the Mediterranean Union, as Europe’s union was built. the Mediterranean Union probably won’t, in the end, resemble the European Union and what it has become, but will too, at the end of the day, be original and unique. The courageous, bold break with the past, changing everything, would be for the Mediterranean peoples at last to decide to take control of their destiny, write their future themselves, shoulder collectively a responsibility, forge a solidarity which their long history and their geography impose on them, and no longer ever let anyone decide in our place. Just as Europe began with coal and steel and atomic energy, the Mediterranean Union will start with sustainable development, energy, transport and water. The Mediterranean Union’s priorities will from the start include culture, education, health and human capital.
Nicolas Sarkozy
For France, the Mediterranean Union’s remit is not to take the place of all the already existing initiatives and projects, but to give them fresh impetus, a new lease of life. It is to gear them all to a single goal, to pool all the ideas, all the energies, and all the resources. in the name of our children, who, one day, will ask us to account for what we have done, I invite all the heads of State and government of the Mediterranean rim countries to meet in France in June 2008 to lay the foundations of a political, economic and cultural union founded on the principle of strict equality between the nations bordering the same sea: the Mediterranean Union.
Silvio Belusconi
I invite all States which don’t border the Mediterranean but are concerned by what is happening to it. For France, the Mediterranean Union is quite different from the Euro-Mediterranean process; it will not be built to the detriment of either Africa or Europe. It will be built with them, with Europe and with Africa. I shall propose that
from the outset the European Commission be fully involved in the work of the Mediterranean Union, participating in everything it does so that their relationship is one of partnership and their actions complement each other, so that the two unions support and strengthen one another and, progressively, forge a single destiny.
France wants it – Morocco wants it – and in my heart I know all mediterraneans want this Union.
EU Commissioner for Foreign Relations, Benita Ferrero Waldner and Turkish President Gül
And the dhimmi, the European Investment Bank has a plan ready which means the poor Arabs can have our money at their free disposal for developing the Sharia:
Here is what EIB Vice President Philippe de Fontaine Vive has to say on Febr. 29, 2008: ''The countries on the two coasts will all sit at the same table for taking decisions, they all will have the same power, the same possibilities and they will all have personnel working full-time for the management of the funds for the development and the economic growth of the region."
The European Investment Bank is ready to launch the tools that will manage the savings of 23 countries lying on the Mediterranean coasts. The announcement was given by EIB Vice President Philippe de Fontaine Vive, in charge of the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP), the financial instrument created in 2002 to support the economic development of the countries partners of the EU in the Mediterranean. ''The moment the political decision is taken and the European Union asks the EIB to launch a Bank for the Mediterranean, in a few months we will be ready to open the new institute,'' the vice-president said.
What is needed is the politicians to take the historic decision to create that entity which de Fontaine Vive defined as ''the natural evolution of the Barcelona Process'' .
And it is not that important if it is called bank, agency or intitute (unacceptable to Muslims)
he explained, the important thing is to function like the EIB. "It will no longer be the European Union to propose and enact its ideas for the Mediterranean, but the Mediterranean itself will be the key figure and promoter, which will have the same place on the international scene as other geographic macro-areas", according de Fontaine Vive.
According to the vice-president, the Mediterranean Bank would introduce a fundamental innovation. By becoming a united subject with equal members, who take decisions according to a communitarian method, like the EU.
The Mediterranean Union should also overcome the difficulties of the Euro-Med
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